Deaf Community

Mother of God parish offers ASL interpretation every Sunday at the 11:30 am Mass and at select liturgies throughout the year.

About Us

The Deaf Community at Mother of God has been an active part of our parish family for many years. ASL interpreters are present every Sunday at the 11:30 am Mass to provide a fuller, more meaningful experience of the liturgy.

The livestream of our Mass also features a close-up view of the signers, if you are watching from home. Mother of God is the only parish to offer ASL interpretation of the Mass in the Tri-state area.
After Mass, we invite you downstairs into the church hall for coffee, donuts and fellowship.

For more information about the Deaf Community at Mother of God, contact Mark Rosing at 513-965-1411 (text/voice).

access the listen everywhere system

The Mother of God Listen Everywhere Hearing System is available for those who require hearing assistance.
  1.  Download the Listen Everywhere app on your iPhone or Android device (available on Google Play and the Apple Store).
  2. Go to your phone settings and join the Wi-Fi network MOG Listen.
  3. Open the Listen Everywhere app and select "MOG Listen."
  4. Select the channel and enjoy.